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PATVIN Engineering joins RedShift as it's Title Sponsor
RedShift Racing India is thankful to RAJESH ENGINEERING for their significant support
RedShift Racing India is thankful to HARDWIN FASTENERS for their continuous support
RedShift Racing India is thankful to SCANTECH LASER for their relentless support
RedShift Racing India would like to thank IRMRA for their massive support
RedShift Racing India gratefully acknowledges the continued support from BMI BEARINGS
RedShift Racing India is grateful to MESCO Springs for their continuous support towards the team
Team RedShift Racing India sends its heartfelt thanks to HPCL, for their steadfast support
Team RedShift Racing India expresses it's immense gratitude to GODREJ AEROSPACE for their unwavering support
Mr. John Abraham wishes the team best luck
RedShift Racing India at DNA AutoFest 2019
RedShift Racing India at Abhiyantriki 2019